PICOTEAM is a network-organisation with nodes in Africa, Latin America and Europe
  that supports efforts to bring about change and innovations for sustainable development.

PICOTEAM Ltd. PICO Southern Africa PICO Uganda PICO Tanzania PICO Latin America
PICO Academy for Practitioners PICO Knowledge Networking

Experiences in AFRICA

Change Management 

ASARECA, the association for strengthening of research in East and Central Africa,  has undergone substantial changes since 2005. PICO’s role as change consultants and facilitators reached from facilitation of strategic planning to design and facilitation of the change process from research networks to a programme approach and all the resulting organisational adaptations and operational planning. Further to the foundation of the reform, PICO has been involved centrally in development of the programme strategies, operationalisation of the capacity development and partnership unit as well as facilitation of a range of meetings and workshops. 

06-09/2006: ASARECA Operational Planning Process (Association for Strengthening of Agricultural Research in East and Central Africa, ASARECA). 3 workshops and coaching. Entebbe

08/2007-720/09: ASARECA Programme Development: Policy, Biotech&Biodiversity and Staples Programme, Km& upscaling, capacity and partnership unit,  development workshops and coaching. Entebbe

01/2005: Strategic Planning Workshop of ASARECA, the Association for Strengthening Agric. Research in Eastern and Central Africa in Entebbe, Uganda


2005 - 2009