PICOTEAM is a network-organisation with nodes in Africa, Latin America and Europe
  that supports efforts to bring about change and innovations for sustainable development.

PICOTEAM Ltd. PICO Southern Africa PICO Uganda PICO Tanzania PICO Latin America
PICO Academy for Practitioners PICO Knowledge Networking

Experiences in AFRICA

Developing Platform on Biodiversity in Mesoamerica PICOTEAM supported GIZ to develop a project to support the 'Biodiversity Platform Mesoamerica' (BPM). BPM focuses on fostering private sector investments and cooperation between private and public sector in order to maintain or improve biodiversity in the Mesoamerican Biodidiversity Corridor.

The purpose of the Biodiversity Partnerhip Mesoamerica is to facilitate alliances for the cooperation and investment between private sectors, local communities, international cooperation and civil society, oriented towards Productive Sustainable Development